The decision to go to law school is a big one that requires a huge financial and time investment. With that said, it can also be one of the best things you do for your career. If you’re considering applying to law schools to earn a law degree, it’s a good idea to have a plan for what you’ll specialize in. There are many types of law and what works for one lawyer won’t be of interest to another. To get a better understanding of the type of law that might be right for you, read on.
Administrative Law
If you have a vision of making change for many, are socially justice-minded, and enjoy politics and how governments work, administrative law could be a great specialty for you. To understand how administrative law works, it’s a good idea to study some of the best administrative lawyers around. Malliha Wilson, for example, is a Canadian lawyer who served as the Assistant Deputy Attorney General of Ontario from 2008 to 2016. She was the first visible minority to hold that office and has devoted her career to ensuring human rights for all in the workplace by helping to create laws at a governmental level.
To be an administrative lawyer, you’ll want to be someone who is comfortable speaking in public and okay with scrutiny by the media. You’ll also need to work closely with politicians, lobbyists, and advocate groups. Your work will ultimately change the way your community works and lives.
Criminal Law
If you’re someone who became interested in studying law due to things you’ve seen on the television or in movies, criminal law might be the right place for you. The reality is that most lawyers initially become interested in law through the media or entertainment. Criminal lawyers either work in the prosecution or defense of people accused of committing crimes. They work to help get justice for victims or defend the accused’s innocence.
If you’re not sure if criminal defense law is right for you, it could be time to explore college application counselors. Not only can they help you pin down goals and interests, but they can even help with your law school application. Empowely, for example, is a college application service that helps triple students’ chances of getting into their top-choice colleges and universities.
Business Law
If working with law enforcement or lobbyists isn’t for you, another specialty to consider is business law. Juggling civil suits, business law attorneys have the ability to multitask and handle complex litigation between and against corporations. To succeed in business law, you’ll need great written communication skills and to be comfortable with large amounts of paperwork.
Family Law
Family lawyers work with their state and county departments of families and children or health and human services to help at-risk kids and families in transition. They also represent people in divorce cases. If you’re a people person who hopes to help family systems, family law might be the right specialty for you. As a family lawyer, the work you do will impact people in their daily lives on a very personal level.
In the end, the type of law you choose to pursue is a personal decision that could change as you go through law school. However, in giving thought to your personal values and interests before entering law school, you’ll be in the position to set clear goals for the future. Best of luck in exploring your passions. Your hard work now will someday make a difference in the lives of the people you serve and represent.