Wouldn’t the world be a wonderful place if only the best applicants saw your job posting and applied for the position? That would happen in a perfect world, but the world is far from perfect. Attracting the right candidates to your job posting can certainly be a challenge, and sometimes as a small business owner, it can seem like you’ll never find the right candidate for the job opening you’re seeking help for.
While the internet has made it much simpler to put out job postings and made it easier for recruiters to find the job seekers they’re looking for, it pays to know how to attract the right candidates and take the guesswork out of hiring as much as possible. While having a large number of job seekers respond to your job posting may seem like a good thing at first, most hiring managers can tell you that after you’ve weeded through more than a dozen “just okay” candidates, it gets tedious. You can find a few tips for attracting only the best and brightest talent to your company in the article below.
1. Be specific in your job posting.
You want to be super specific in the job posting you put on the job board you’ve chosen. For example, if you run a tire store that sells wheels, tyres, and other automotive products, and you need help in the shop, you wouldn’t post in your job posting that you need help in the front office. Instead, you would go to the job board and post that you have a job opening in the tire shop portion of your business.
Include the specific duties in your job posting, such as changing tires, that the right candidate would be responsible for, so that any job seeker knows whether they’re qualified for the job or not, just by reading the job posting. The more specific you are with your job posting, the better candidates your posting will attract.
2. Invest heavily in your recruitment advertising.
As a business owner, you have to be willing to invest heavily in your recruitment advertising if you want to attract the right candidates to your brand. You do this by investing time, money, and effort into recruiting and advertising your business. If you want your job postings to reach the right type of talent, you need to have a great way of getting the word out there. You can do this by signing up for promos like “ZipRecruiter for employers 30 day trial.” ZipRecruiter is the smart way to hire with over 100 job sites you can use to match you with the right candidate for the job opening you want to fill.
Also, if you’re recruiting for a job that requires certain qualifications and skills, you should advertise in places where people who have that particular interest will see your job posting. Marketing for recruitment and finding the best job seeker to fit your job openings is the same as marketing to increase sales and attract more customers to your business. In other words, if you don’t invest time, money, and effort into your recruitment advertising, how can you hope to find employees that are qualified and will stick around for the duration?
3. Research why other recruits didn’t work out in that job opening.
Often, hiring managers and recruiters get in such a hurry or become so desperate to fill a job opening that they don’t take the time to think about why the previous employee left to begin with. Look at whether the job itself has changed from the original job description or if the job requires employees to take on more responsibility than other employees? Things like this can lead to the employee feeling duped into taking the job when the job description on the job posting said something different.
Not only do you need to take a look at the job posting, but it’s also a good idea to cover the description of the offered job in the interview you have with prospective clients. This is also where effective time management comes in. By knowing the best time to schedule candidate interviews, you can keep track of your client interviews with the online interview scheduler that helps business owners stay organized and on track when scheduling interviews. The last thing you want is to be late for an interview with a prospective employee, just because you were disorganized and double-booked or forgot an interview. This scheduling software can help with that.
4. Market your company online.
The most suited people to a job will research that job online to see if it’s the right fit for them. That’s why your company should be out there when it comes to marketing.
Ensure that you market your company online, from social media sites to an up-to-date, effective website, and have quality reviews to recommend it. If your reviews are bad and you have no online presence, it’s going to be hard to get the right kind of talent to work for your business.
These are just a few tips to help you attract the top talent in your industry to the job opening you have within your business. Remember, investing in your recruitment is key.